Easy equipment leasing with Legacy Financing

A major benefit of leasing is the lower out-of-pocket costs associated with equipment acquisition. The down payment on a lease is often minimal or non-existent, as well as no sales tax up front. In order to obtain a lease, a simple and quick financing application and approval process is required.

When should you lease?
It is not necessary to own the equipment in order to generate revenue. In comparison with traditional lending, leasing can offer many advantages to businesses of all sizes, including:

Up to 100% Financing

A substantial down payment may be required for other financing options. Cash isn’t usually needed up front with leasing.

Save working capital

Your business will have more cash available for other critical needs since lease payments can be customized to match your cash flow.

Better Bank relations

There is often no impact on leverage ratios from leases because they are off-balance sheet, and thus your borrowing capacity is preserved.

No tax Pre-Payment

You pay sales taxes monthly with your monthly rental payment.

Tax Benefits

Your monthly lease payment can be deducted as an operating expense under certain lease structures.

Technological Innovation

As technology advances, equipment is becoming obsolete at a faster rate than ever before. By leasing, you can adjust the term according to the equipment’s useful life.

Payments that are affordable

Leasing is a popular option because it allows companies to acquire the equipment they require while staying within their operating budget.

Option to purchase or renew

After the initial term of the lease, you may choose to purchase the equipment at a stated amount or at fair market value, or you may extend the lease for an additional period and often make lower monthly payments.


Leasing offers greater flexibility than traditional financing. It is possible to tailor payment schedules to match the cash flow of your business. The options include seasonal payments, step payments, and extensions.